Returns and Refund Policy

Thank you for shopping at G.O.B Custom.

Due to the nature of our products, which are custom-built per order using materials from various manufacturers, we have a strict no cancellation, returns, or refund policy. All materials used for building your controller are ordered specifically for your order, and the expenses incurred will not be refunded.

Voided Warranties

Please note that the serious modifications applied to the materials used in building the lightgun game controller may void their warranties from the respective manufacturers.

Buy at Your Own Risk

Customers are advised to purchase our products at their own risk. We can only offer a 3-month free internal repair for any internal malfunction or damage caused by faults on our part. This repair service does not apply if the lightgun product has been opened or damaged in any form by the customer.

The 3-month free internal repair period will start from the day the item is received by the customer.

Shipping Fees

Customers are responsible for covering the shipping fees for sending the product to us for repair and for the return shipping of the repaired product.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about our Returns and Refunds Policy, please contact us:

By email: [email protected]