Shipping Policy

Free Worldwide Shipping

We offer free shipping to anywhere in the world. Your order will be processed and shipped as fast as we can.

Due to the custom-built nature of our products, each order takes a minimum of 30 days to finish from the day of successful payment. Please note that we only do one build at a time, so if there is a queue, it may take more days. If you have any questions about the estimated delivery time, please contact us before placing your order.

Customs and Legal Compliance

Please note that while we strive to ensure that all our products comply with international customs regulations, some countries may have restrictions on items that resemble weapons, even if they are lightgun gaming controllers. It is your responsibility to check your local laws and regulations regarding the importation of such items.

Customs Clearance and Taxes

Any customs duties, taxes, or additional fees incurred during customs clearance are the responsibility of the customer. We are not responsible for any delays, stoppages, or additional charges imposed by customs authorities.

Shipping Address

Please ensure that your shipping address is correct before placing your order. We are not responsible for orders shipped to an incorrect address provided by the customer.

Shipping Times

Shipping times may vary depending on your location. Once your order is complete, we will find the best and fastest option to send the product. Estimated delivery times are as follows:

  • Standard Shipping: Varies depending on location
  • Express Shipping: Not available

Contact Us

If you have any questions about our Shipping Policy, please contact us: